Posts about Machine Learning (old posts, page 7)

Draw Perceptron graph by graphviz


This post aims to introduce how to draw a diagram for perceptron.



In [1]:
from graphviz import Digraph

Create a node list and dictionary for the edges

In [12]:
# List of nodes
l_nodes = ['1', 'x0', 'x1', 'y']

# Dictionary mapping from label name to the edge between two nodes
d_edges = {'b': ('1', 'y'), 
           'w0': ('x0', 'y'), 
           'w1': ('x1', 'y')}

Visualize a graph for perceptron

In [13]:
# Create Digraph object
dot = Digraph()

# Add nodes
for n in l_nodes:

# Add edges
for label, edges in d_edges.items(): 
    dot.edge(edges[0], edges[1], label=label)

# Fill node 1 by gray
dot.node('1', style='filled')
# Visualize the graph
%3 1 1y y1->y bx0 x0x0->y w0x1 x1x1->y w1

Implement Perceptron


This post aims to introduce how to implement Perceptron, which is the foundation of neural network and a simple gate function returning 0 (no signal) or 1 (signal) given a certain input.

In this post, the following fate functions are implemented:

  • AND
  • NAND
  • OR
  • XOR
$$ y = f(\mathbf{x})=\begin{cases} 0 & (b + \mathbf{wx} \le 0)\\ 1 &(b + \mathbf{wx} \gt 0) \end{cases}$$

Implement AND gate

In [10]:
def AND(x0, x1, w0=0.5, w1=0.5, b=0.6):
    return ((x0 * w0 + x1 * w1) > b) * 1.0
In [11]:
for x0, x1 in [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]:
    print(f"AND(x0={x0}, x1={x1}) = {AND(x0, x1)}")
AND(x0=0, x1=0) = 0.0
AND(x0=0, x1=1) = 0.0
AND(x0=1, x1=0) = 0.0
AND(x0=1, x1=1) = 1.0

Implement NAND gate

In [24]:
def NAND(x0, x1, w0=-0.5, w1=-0.5, b=-0.6):
    return ((x0 * w0 + x1 * w1) > b) * 1.0
In [25]:
for x0, x1 in [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]:
    print(f"NAND(x0={x0}, x1={x1}) = {NAND(x0, x1)}")
NAND(x0=0, x1=0) = 1.0
NAND(x0=0, x1=1) = 1.0
NAND(x0=1, x1=0) = 1.0
NAND(x0=1, x1=1) = 0.0

Implement OR gate

In [34]:
def OR(x0, x1, w0=0.5, w1=0.5, b=0.2):
    return ((x0 * w0 + x1 * w1) > b) * 1.0
In [35]:
for x0, x1 in [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]:
    print(f"OR(x0={x0}, x1={x1}) = {OR(x0, x1)}")
OR(x0=0, x1=0) = 0.0
OR(x0=0, x1=1) = 1.0
OR(x0=1, x1=0) = 1.0
OR(x0=1, x1=1) = 1.0

Implement XOR gate

In [36]:
def XOR(x0, x1):
    n0 = NAND(x0, x1)
    n1 = OR(x0, x1)
    return AND(n0, n1)
In [37]:
for x0, x1 in [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]:
    print(f"XOR(x0={x0}, x1={x1}) = {XOR(x0, x1)}")
XOR(x0=0, x1=0) = 0.0
XOR(x0=0, x1=1) = 1.0
XOR(x0=1, x1=0) = 1.0
XOR(x0=1, x1=1) = 0.0

Parallel Plot for Cateogrical and Continuous variable by Plotly Express


This post aims to introduce how to draw Parallel Plot for categorical and continuous variable by Plotly Express image



In [19]:
import pandas as pd
import as px
import as pio
pio.renderers.default = "png"

Create continuous data

In [4]:
df =
district Coderre Bergeron Joly total winner result
0 101-Bois-de-Liesse 2481 1829 3024 7334 Joly plurality
1 102-Cap-Saint-Jacques 2525 1163 2675 6363 Joly plurality
2 11-Sault-au-Récollet 3348 2770 2532 8650 Coderre plurality
3 111-Mile-End 1734 4782 2514 9030 Bergeron majority
4 112-DeLorimier 1770 5933 3044 10747 Bergeron majority

Visualize Parallel Plot for continuous data

In [20]:
fig = px.parallel_coordinates(df,color='total', color_continuous_scale=px.colors.sequential.Inferno)

Create categorical data

In [9]:
df =
district Coderre Bergeron Joly total winner result
0 101-Bois-de-Liesse 2481 1829 3024 7334 Joly plurality
1 102-Cap-Saint-Jacques 2525 1163 2675 6363 Joly plurality
2 11-Sault-au-Récollet 3348 2770 2532 8650 Coderre plurality
3 111-Mile-End 1734 4782 2514 9030 Bergeron majority
4 112-DeLorimier 1770 5933 3044 10747 Bergeron majority

Visualize Parallel for continuous data

In [21]:
fig = px.parallel_categories(df, color="total", color_continuous_scale=px.colors.sequential.Inferno)

Split Up: dtreeviz (Part 5)


This post aims to break down the module dtreeviz module step by step to fully understand what is implemented. After fully understanding this, I would like to contribute to this module and submit a pull request.

I really like this module and would like to see this works for other tree-based modules like XGBoost or Lightgbm. I found the exact same issue (issues 15) in github so I hope I could contribute to this issue.

This post is the 5th part:

  • ctreeviz_univar



  • L267: the beginning of the definition for ctreeviz_univar
  • L272-275: treatment for pandas input
  • L277: load color property
  • L280-288: load decision tree classifier object as shadow_tree and other relevant attributes e.g., # of class, target values.
  • L290-302: setting labels and spines visibility
  • L304-319: plotting stacked bar chart with histogram when gtype=='barstacked'
  • L320-330: plotting scatter plot with gitter
  • L332: setting tick parameters
  • L352-353: setting legend
  • L355-358: setting a title
  • L360-362: setting splits vertical line between categories
In [53]:
from pathlib import Path
from graphviz.backend import run, view
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from dtreeviz.shadow import *
from numbers import Number
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import tempfile
import os
from sys import platform as PLATFORM
from colour import Color, rgb2hex
from typing import Mapping, List
from dtreeviz.utils import inline_svg_images, myround
from dtreeviz.shadow import ShadowDecTree, ShadowDecTreeNode
from dtreeviz.colors import adjust_colors
from sklearn import tree
import graphviz

from dtreeviz.trees import *

# How many bins should we have based upon number of classes
NUM_BINS = [0, 0, 10, 9, 8, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5]
          # 0, 1, 2,  3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

def ctreeviz_univar(ax, x_train, y_train, max_depth, feature_name, class_names,
                    fontsize=14, fontname="Arial", nbins=25, gtype='strip',
    if isinstance(x_train, pd.Series):
        x_train = x_train.values
    if isinstance(y_train, pd.Series):
        y_train = y_train.values

    colors = adjust_colors(colors)

    #    ax.set_facecolor('#F9F9F9')
    ct = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=max_depth), 1), y_train)

    shadow_tree = ShadowDecTree(ct, x_train.reshape(-1, 1), y_train,
                                feature_names=[feature_name], class_names=class_names)

    n_classes = shadow_tree.nclasses()
    overall_feature_range = (np.min(x_train), np.max(x_train))
    class_values = shadow_tree.unique_target_values
    color_values = colors['classes'][n_classes]
    color_map = {v: color_values[i] for i, v in enumerate(class_values)}
    X_colors = [color_map[cl] for cl in class_values]

    ax.set_xlabel(f"{feature_name}", fontsize=fontsize, fontname=fontname,

    X_hist = [x_train[y_train == cl] for cl in class_values]

    if gtype == 'barstacked':
        bins = np.linspace(start=overall_feature_range[0], stop=overall_feature_range[1], num=nbins, endpoint=True)
        hist, bins, barcontainers = ax.hist(X_hist,

        for patch in barcontainers:
            for rect in patch.patches:
        ax.set_yticks([0, max([max(h) for h in hist])])
    elif gtype == 'strip':
        # user should pass in short and wide fig
        sigma = .013
        mu = .08
        class_step = .08
        dot_w = 20
        ax.set_ylim(0, mu + n_classes*class_step)
        print('X_hist', X_hist)
        for i, bucket in enumerate(X_hist):
            y_noise = np.random.normal(mu+i*class_step, sigma, size=len(bucket))
            ax.scatter(bucket, y_noise, alpha=.7, marker='o', s=dot_w, c=color_map[i],
                       edgecolors=colors['scatter_edge'], lw=.3)

    ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', width=.3, labelcolor=colors['tick_label'],

    splits = [node.split() for node in shadow_tree.internal]
    splits = sorted(splits)
    bins = [ax.get_xlim()[0]] + splits + [ax.get_xlim()[1]]

    pred_box_height = .07 * ax.get_ylim()[1]
    preds = []
    for i in range(len(bins) - 1):
        left = bins[i]
        right = bins[i + 1]
        inrange = y_train[(x_train >= left) & (x_train <= right)]
        values, counts = np.unique(inrange, return_counts=True)
        pred = values[np.argmax(counts)]
        rect = patches.Rectangle((left, 0), (right - left), pred_box_height, linewidth=.3,
                                 edgecolor=colors['edge'], facecolor=color_map[pred])

    if 'legend' in show:
        add_classifier_legend(ax, class_names, class_values, color_map, target_name, colors)

    if 'title' in show:
        accur = ct.score(x_train.reshape(-1, 1), y_train)
        title = f"Classifier tree depth {max_depth}, training accuracy={accur*100:.2f}%"
        plt.title(title, fontsize=fontsize, color=colors['title'])

    if 'splits' in show:
        for split in splits:
            plt.plot([split, split], [*ax.get_ylim()], '--', color=colors['split_line'], linewidth=1)

Create a toy classification example

In [48]:
import numpy as np
import graphviz 
from sklearn import tree

X = np.array([0, 1, 0.5, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 30, 30, 32]).reshape(-1, 1)
Y = np.array(['a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd', 'd']).reshape(-1, 1)
clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3)
clf =, Y)

df = pd.DataFrame(data={'X':X.ravel(), 'Y': Y.ravel()}, index=range(len(X)))
plt.title('Sample Data for Univariate Regression');

Visualize classification tree for univariate case

In [54]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ctreeviz_univar(ax, pd.Series(X.ravel()), pd.Series(Y.ravel()), 
                class_names=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 
                gtype = 'barstacked',
                show={'title', 'splits'}

Note When I apply show={'legend'}, I obtained the error below and still not figured out yet what was wrong.

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-42-c31e8b14db34> in <module>
      4                 target_name='Y',
      5                 max_depth=4,
----> 6                 class_names=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
      7                )

<ipython-input-41-b466a69d927c> in ctreeviz_univar(ax, x_train, y_train, max_depth, feature_name, class_names, target_name, fontsize, fontname, nbins, gtype, show, colors)
     85         for i, bucket in enumerate(X_hist):
     86             y_noise = np.random.normal(mu+i*class_step, sigma, size=len(bucket))
---> 87             ax.scatter(bucket, y_noise, alpha=.7, marker='o', s=dot_w, c=color_map[i],
     88                        edgecolors=colors['scatter_edge'], lw=.3)

KeyError: 0

Split Up: dtreeviz (Part 4)


This post aims to break down the module dtreeviz module step by step to fully understand what is implemented. After fully understanding this, I would like to contribute to this module and submit a pull request.

I really like this module and would like to see this works for other tree-based modules like XGBoost or Lightgbm. I found the exact same issue (issues 15) in github so I hope I could contribute to this issue.

This post is the 4th part: breaking down DTreeViz class and rtreeviz_univar method.


DTreeViz class

  • L23: the beginning of DTreeViz class
  • L24-25: __init__ method taking dot object as an input
  • L26-78: deal with save, view the visualization as svg file


  • L81: the beginning of rtreeviz_univar method
  • L94-102: initial setting for the range of X, y data and converting them into numpy array.
  • L104-105: create a scikit-learn decision tree
  • L121-122: plot the original X and y data points
  • L125-126: plot the vertical line for decision boundary (gray line)
  • L128-134: plot the horizontal line for mean line (red line by default)
  • L136: Change the appearance of ticks
  • L138-140: setting title
  • L142-143: setting x and y label based on feature_name and target_name
In [4]:
from pathlib import Path
from graphviz.backend import run, view
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from dtreeviz.shadow import *
from numbers import Number
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import tempfile
import os
from sys import platform as PLATFORM
from colour import Color, rgb2hex
from typing import Mapping, List
from dtreeviz.utils import inline_svg_images, myround
from dtreeviz.shadow import ShadowDecTree, ShadowDecTreeNode
from dtreeviz.colors import adjust_colors
from sklearn import tree
import graphviz

# How many bins should we have based upon number of classes
NUM_BINS = [0, 0, 10, 9, 8, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5]
          # 0, 1, 2,  3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

def rtreeviz_univar(ax,
                    x_train: (pd.Series, np.ndarray),  # 1 vector of X data
                    y_train: (pd.Series, np.ndarray),
                    max_depth = 10,
                    feature_name: str = None,
                    target_name: str = None,
                    min_samples_leaf = 1,
                    fontsize: int = 14,
                    mean_linewidth = 2,
    if isinstance(x_train, pd.Series):
        x_train = x_train.values
    if isinstance(y_train, pd.Series):
        y_train = y_train.values

    colors = adjust_colors(colors)

    y_range = (min(y_train), max(y_train))  # same y axis for all
    overall_feature_range = (np.min(x_train), np.max(x_train))

    t = tree.DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=max_depth, min_samples_leaf=min_samples_leaf),1), y_train)

    shadow_tree = ShadowDecTree(t, x_train.reshape(-1,1), y_train, feature_names=[feature_name])
    splits = []
    for node in shadow_tree.internal:
    splits = sorted(splits)
    bins = [overall_feature_range[0]] + splits + [overall_feature_range[1]]

    means = []
    for i in range(len(bins) - 1):
        left = bins[i]
        right = bins[i + 1]
        inrange = y_train[(x_train >= left) & (x_train <= right)]

    ax.scatter(x_train, y_train, marker='o', alpha=.4, c=colors['scatter_marker'], s=markersize,
               edgecolor=colors['scatter_edge'], lw=.3)

    if 'splits' in show:
        for split in splits:
            ax.plot([split, split], [*y_range], '--', color=colors['split_line'], linewidth=split_linewidth)

        prevX = overall_feature_range[0]
        for i, m in enumerate(means):
            split = overall_feature_range[1]
            if i < len(splits):
                split = splits[i]
            ax.plot([prevX, split], [m, m], '-', color=colors['mean_line'], linewidth=mean_linewidth)
            prevX = split

    ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', width=.3, labelcolor=colors['tick_label'], labelsize=fontsize)

    if 'title' in show:
        title = f"Regression tree depth {max_depth}, samples per leaf {min_samples_leaf},\nTraining $R^2$={t.score(x_train.reshape(-1,1),y_train):.3f}"
        plt.title(title, fontsize=fontsize, color=colors['title'])

    plt.xlabel(feature_name, fontsize=fontsize, color=colors['axis_label'])
    plt.ylabel(target_name, fontsize=fontsize, color=colors['axis_label'])

Create a toy sample

In [42]:
import numpy as np
import graphviz 
from sklearn import tree

X = np.array([0, 1, 0.5, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 30, 30, 32]).reshape(-1, 1)
Y = np.array([0., 0, 0, 50, 49, 50, 20, 21, 19, 90, 89, 91]).reshape(-1, 1)
clf = tree.DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=3)
clf =, Y)

plt.scatter(x=X, y=Y, s=5);
plt.title('Sample Data for Univariate Regression');

Visualize a tree using rtreeviz_univar

In [51]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
rtreeviz_univar(ax, pd.Series(X.ravel()), pd.Series(Y.ravel()), 